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Campaign FAQs


This article provides detailed information on creating, viewing, and managing campaigns in Contently. It covers permissions required, the ability to share campaigns across multiple publications, and explanations of key terms and statuses.


For a walk through on our campaign feature, please refer to our "What is a campaign and how do I use it?" help center article.

Can any user create a campaign?

Only users with the permission to add or edit a campaign are allowed to create a new campaign. If you feel that you need to be able to create a campaign, please contact your Customer Success lead and they should be able to help you.

Can any user view a campaign?

Users that have add/edit campaign permissions are allowed to view a campaign. In addition, the user also needs the permission to add/edit events and stories to be able to view all the stories and events associated with the campaign.

Can a campaign be shared across multiple pubs?

Yes, you are allowed to include/associate a campaign with multiple pubs. The user with permissions to add/edit campaign and also the ability to manage all the participating pubs, is able to create a campaign with multiple pubs. They are also able to add any new pubs to an existing campaign. As a publication admin/owner, you are able to add your pub to any campaign your organization is working on. Each pub admin is able to add their own stories to the campaign. An admin managing all the participating pubs is able to add stories from any pub that's part of the campaign.

Can I add a story to multiple campaigns?

Yes, as a person with permissions to edit a campaign you are allowed to add a story to as many campaigns as you want.

What does total committed and total paid out mean?

Total committed column in the campaign show page, shows the total amount that will be paid out when the content is completed. Contributors in Contently are paid out when they submit the step. A story could have more than one step where the assignee will get paid. The total of all such steps is the total committed amount. Total paid out is the sum of all the payments that the contributor has access to, because of the work they have submitted. Total paid out should be equal to total committed when a piece of content is fully complete. At the campaign level these two amounts are sum across all content pieces being produced as part of the campaign.

What do the different content status stand for?

The different content statuses are defined below:

• Unassigned: This means that the story currently has no workflow assigned to it.

• In Progress: This means the story has workflow assigned to it.

• Completed: This means that the story has completed all the steps in the assigned workflow and is ready for publishing.

• Published: This means that the story has been marked as published in the Contently platform.

• Overdue: This means that the current workflow step that the content is on, is past assigned due date.


This article explains the permissions required to create and view campaigns, the ability to share campaigns across multiple publications, and the definitions of key terms such as total committed, total paid out, and various content statuses.

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